A contact is a list of people you have interacted with on the app. Following are the ways a person can get added to your contact list.
You can manually add them (either one at a time or through file upload)
If you invite a guest to a show they are automatically added to your contacts
If they accept an open invitation to one of your shows they are automatically added to both the hosts and the artists contacts
If a person follows an Artist they are automatically added to their contacts
Manually Adding a Contact
Click on Profile icon on top right of screen
Select Manage Contacts
Click Add New
Enter their name and email, or click the radial button if you prefer to add with phone number.
Once you have entered a valid email or phone number, the Add buttons will become active. To add this person and then add another click Add and Continue. To add this person and exit click Add
Adding Multiple Contacts Using File Upload
The following steps are used to add a group of people to your contact lists from a file. The file needs to be a comma separated file. The file should have a header row with the words name, email, phone. Each line must have a name and either or both an email and a phone number. If the line has both an email and a phone number the system will prioritize the email.
Click on Profile icon on top right of screen
Select Manage Contacts
Click Import
Click Continue
Select the file
Adding or Removing a Contact from CouchMates
A CouchMate is a person that you frequently invite to your CouchConcerts. You can add all of your CouchMates to an event with a single click.
To add a contact to CouchMates
Click on Profile icon on top right of screen
Select Manage Contacts
Slide the CouchMate switch on or off.
Deleting a Contact
To delete a contact
Click on Profile icon on top right of screen
Select Manage Contacts
Click the Delete icon
Exporting Contacts
You can send yourself an email with a list of all your contacts using the export functionality.
Click on Profile icon on top right of screen
Select Manage Contacts
Click the Export Button