By requesting people to donate to the artists before attending the show helps the artists earn more money. The most important thing you can do is invite your friends and encourage them to attend.
Here are a couple of additional ways to help
Setting Up a Merchandise Table
Artists can significantly increase their earnings at a show by selling merchandise. Hosts should check with the artist ahead of time to see if they plan to bring merchandise. If they do, it’s helpful to provide a card table for display.
An ideal location for the merchandise table is between the entrance and the performance area, where it’s easily accessible to guests. As the artist wraps up their show, encourage guests to stop by the merch table to meet the artist and check out their merchandise.
Encouraging Donations at the End of the Show
As the host, you can make a big difference by providing a tip jar and encouraging guests to donate after the show. While it might feel awkward, a simple acknowledgment can go a long way. A good approach might be:
“If you enjoyed the show, I’m sure the artist would appreciate a donation in the tip jar. Of course, you’ve already donated to attend, so this is not expected but always welcomed.”
It’s also helpful for the artist to provide a QR code with their Venmo or other electronic payment information, so guests can donate digitally.