How Much Room Do I Need?
You don’t need a large space—most house concerts host between 20-50 guests, depending on your setup. A living room, backyard, or community space can all work perfectly. You can have guests bring chairs, pillows, or towels to sit on.
You definitely do not need any kind of stage. In fact the closer the guests are to the artists with no barriers the better. It makes for a more intimate listening experience. Guests tend to not get distracted or drawn into other conversations if they are closer to the artist. A couch concert is not expected to be background music.
Where Can I Host My Show?
Private homes (living rooms, patios, backyards).
Small venues or community spaces.
Coffee shops or local businesses willing to support independent music.
Local business that has space that is not leveraged after hours.
What Is a Good Time for a Show?
The best time for a show is whenever the artist can play and you can gather an audience. However, keep in mind that artists often have more opportunities for paying gigs at public venues on Friday and Saturday nights. Hosting a show on a weeknight, Sunday afternoon, or even as a brunch show can help artists earn extra income while keeping weekend nights open for other performances.
That said, many successful CouchConcerts happen on Friday or Saturday nights, so if that’s when you’re most comfortable hosting, go for it! Guests and artists alike will appreciate the effort.
Does the Host Need to Provide Equipment or a Stage?
No, the artist will bring any equipment they need for the performance. Acoustic shows or light amplification are encouraged to maintain an intimate atmosphere. It’s a good idea to have a stool or chair available for the artist, although most prefer to stand while performing.
A stage is not necessary. In fact, having guests seated close to the artist without barriers creates a more intimate and engaging experience. Guests are less likely to get distracted or drawn into other conversations when they feel connected to the performance. A CouchConcert is meant to be a listening experience, not background music.